Saturday, October 3, 2009

Missing Sister

My sister came to me today in a Spirit Guide meditation. She was dressed beautifully in flowing reds and yellows. We met on a mountain forest trail on a warm sunny day. I held her close to me tightly for the longest time, taking in the smell of her hair, her skin, the feel of her heartbeat against my chest. When she pulled away she looked me in the eye and said, "You need to let go of all of this now." I told her how deeply I wanted to, but that I couldn't remember any of the good times. I felt all I had left of her was her cold form lying in the coffin, the words echoing in the courtroom, the autopsy photos; the smell of death in her apartment. She said, "I'm here with you. I'll send memories of the good times to you, don't worry about me." I couldn't let go of her, she told me to say goodbye, so I did and she walked away.
I struggle to release myself from the grief and all that has come my way since her death. Today, I practiced a type of visualization to further my goal of releasing the trauma and grief from my body. I highly recommend Shakti Gawain's book, "Creative Visualization" as a guide to anyone, to everyone.
I am opening my heart and mind to receive all the good of my sister and release all the memories of her murder's act. God be with me and all of you suffering with loss.

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